Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Edge

The Edge

I do know your suffering
Time seems to drag across
The dessert sands
So thirsty I reach out for the mirage
That was you

Our existence eclipsed
The shadow cast reflects
The demise of my own existence
Clinging to the edge in hopes
That you will stay

Oh the agony that my heart feels
What do I know about life?
I tread along its beaten path while
Words can neither heal nor convey
The nature of the destructive trail that lies behind us

I stare so intently at its ruin
My urbanized view of the decay
That rots away as I witness the famine
Left from the feast fed upon by my heart
And the trifle ill effect of this curse

I stand at the edge of my life
Whispering to the nights depth
So inclined to take its last breath with mine
Then falling to an endless wake
Amongst the moonlit sky

~SAK~  copyright 2012

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