Friday, May 11, 2012

A Daughter's Journey

A Daughters Journey

Where did time go
Elapsed like small grains of sand
Sifting through the hour glass
Of psychic photographs

Your life eclipsed
Behind the spectacles that lie
Gracefully on my face
Hidden through time and space

The lines they hold no truth
To the ease and comfort you afforded
The choices never easy
But worth every feeling

I the bow and you the arrow
I cast you out into the world to infuse all wounds
With wisdom and truth
Gathered experiences from my youth

Piercing the world with your own ambition
Eluding my knowledge
To prove yourself worthy
In your own eyes deserving

Oh how I crave the sweet smell
Of your innocence and breath
Heaven rains and exudes the erosion of white doves
My heart is so filled with love

~SAK~ 2011 copyright

Ancient Apocalypse

Ancient Apocalypse

History breathes words
To stones who lie and witness
The demise of man

~SAK~ 2012 copyright.
                   ~Paris 1999

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Remember Me

Remember me

How can I sympathize with the wasted effort
Of words that show weakness?
Unforgiving and ruthless
Is the cycle that permeates
Through desire and containment.
A love that wages war
With indifference and confusion;
I am unable to withstand the time apart.
Salient, elusive,
I will not suffer a mesmeric lullaby
From the damage in your heart.

Gallant your knight efforts indeed;
 I give countless reasons
To escape loves tyranny.
I find comfort in
The dysfunction of
Your tremulous course.
Life is not conducive
To crying fits on the floor
As I confer with loves finality.
Unsustainable, indecisive,
 I will not suffer your minds duality.

How can I celebrate sweet nostalgia
In the shadow of
Your past that haunts?
What song will you play
For me in the pretenses
Of her arrival?
How will you patent comfort
As I watch discreetly,
Though I might wash away your fear?
I watch with shameless guilt
In the dark as you dry away her tears.

Do you not remember me?
Have you no fault
As I depart in sorrow?
Never awakening
The exact truth of the moment,
Imagined and exemplified.
Love has no chance
Without conviction
As complacency destroys the self.
Unrelenting, ruinous behaviors
Yield to your disdain and discount.

~SAK~ copyright 2009
     ~Tommy Edwards Photography



A heavy heart that binds
Drawing me towards a spiritual death
As I pierce my body the blood washes over
Cleansing the filth that the darkness collects

Through the looking glass I gaze
No vital reflection ensues
Thoughts tainting the outward view
Of whom I am so deeply

Tortured I lie stricken
This pestilence a truss to my existence
My wisdom anesthetized with discontent
My soul departed and weakened

From the life I long to lead
Not insane just afflicted
There is no poetic song depicted here
Or identified, it’s cruel intent subjectified

My breath flows in and out so freely
Yet I am not alive, I am numb
 Burdened with the sense of a world so cold
A place where in life, death also resides

I exist without resolve
Without purpose, so deeply blind to it all
Chastising the limits of my own mind
All the while keeping death so near

~SAK~ copyright 2011
             ~Tommy Edwards Photography 2012

The Edge

The Edge

I do know your suffering
Time seems to drag across
The dessert sands
So thirsty I reach out for the mirage
That was you

Our existence eclipsed
The shadow cast reflects
The demise of my own existence
Clinging to the edge in hopes
That you will stay

Oh the agony that my heart feels
What do I know about life?
I tread along its beaten path while
Words can neither heal nor convey
The nature of the destructive trail that lies behind us

I stare so intently at its ruin
My urbanized view of the decay
That rots away as I witness the famine
Left from the feast fed upon by my heart
And the trifle ill effect of this curse

I stand at the edge of my life
Whispering to the nights depth
So inclined to take its last breath with mine
Then falling to an endless wake
Amongst the moonlit sky

~SAK~  copyright 2012

The Executioner

The Executioner

When in darkness I came to you
To find peace and comfort
In your arms of strength and stability
Mesmerized by the tranquility you offered

I dare say that I was resurrected
From the chains of control and contempt
Lying in your arms I was exempt
From the art of living

My prince has now become The Executioner
Valliant his apology seems so sincere
I can no longer revere his thoughts
Nor the disdain that occupies his eyes

Time betrays and renders no wisdom
Why suffering is more tangible than resurrection
A blind man’s regard for the games and imperfections
A conclave of good deeds that I divide among them

Strength does not wait for the day to surrender
Like the snows of last year that are gone forever
I reach for the alchemist’s froth to comfort my pain
And drink away the sweet that has now soured

The pattern of my heart beats without rhythm
Questioning the reason unequivocal in its misery
So bound to love’s chivalry
That sleeps now without the knowledge of my true heart

~Shelly Koyen~ 2012 Copyright.

Winters Chill

Winters Chill

I know to fear and tread lightly
Like winters frost
Careful to step so as not to break the ice
The water so bitter cold beneath me
Numb never to awake or feel the same again
Until winters end

Your presence so warm and inviting
Like the suns sweet kiss
Radiant, luminous, blistering to the touch
I wait for you to draw me near
Stricken with fever it appears that I am insane
Until the leaves begin to change

Your passion, tumultuous in its wake
Like the winds that blow
You too and away from my heart
Shaking in its wrath I cry for you
Holding on to the trunks of memories
Until the rains come for me

I grow with every act of adversity
Like paper whites in spring
Who bloom despite the cruel conditions of winters chill
Radiant in the face of life’s duplicity
Until the seasons quiver in synchronicity

~SAK~ 2011 copyright.